The TDR-2000 provides continuous, non-mechanical level measurement, utilizing guided wave radar technology. The TDR-2000 is particularly suited for measuring the level of solids, granules, and powders, as well as a wide range of liquids. For many applications, the TDR-2000 is an economical and superior alternative to capacitance, ultrasonic, and plumb bob technologies.
The TDR-2000 two-wire guided microwave level transmitter uses the TDR (Time Domain Reflectometry) principle. The instrument sends low power nanosecond-wide pulses along an electrically conductive rod, cable, or coaxial probe with a known propagation speed (the speed of light). As the pulse reaches the surface of the medium (altered dielectric constant Ԑr), a part of it is reflected back to the electronic module. The efficiency of the reflected signal depends on the dielectric constant (Ԑr) difference of the mediums. The reflected pulse is detected as an electrical voltage signal and is then processed by the electronics. Level distance is directly proportional to the flight time of the pulse. The measured level data is converted to 4-20 mA current and HART signals and is displayed on the LCD display. From the level data, further derived measuring values can be calculated such as volume and mass. The TDR-2000 is unaffected by the other properties of the medium as well as that of the space above it.